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Liquid storage specialists

Irrigation water Storage

Water is an essential element for the farming activity. Due to this, in order to improve his products, the farmer must provide his crops with good quality water.

FlexiCisternas is the best option to store irrigation water , due to the fact that it keeps the quality of the water intact, achieving this way that the crop performance  maximizes.

FlexiCisternas has achieved to increase the efficiency of the irrigation systems by implementing a storage system in which the losses by evaporation, algae creation and the appearance of insects are completely eliminated

By taking advantage of rain water, either run-off water or underground water, FlexiCisternas becomes the perfect method for water storage in order to keep a filtered system always clean while the irrigation systems are optimized.

Flexicisternas, cisterna flexible, depósito flexible para el almacenamiento de agua, almacenamiento de agua para riego, almacenamiento de líquidos
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