Liquid fertilizers and phytosanitary products storage
En el plano agronómico, se mejora el rendimiento mediante el uso de fertilizantes y fitosanitarios que deberán tener una inmediata disponibilidad para los cultivos.
From an agronomic point of view, the performance can be improved by using fertilizers and phytosanity products for its immediate availability for the crops.
FlexiCisternas is the best option as a way to store liquid fertilizers and phytosanitary products in agriculture.
In many countries, the norms demand to install a water-proofed retention system therefore we remind you about some of the alternatives:
A ditch surrounded by a slope
A retaining wall
With FlexiCisternas you will achieve an immediate availability of the products required to optimize your production guaranteeing this way the protection of the environment and adaptation to the farming rules.